Tuesday, March 24, 2009

goodbye, lindy hop.

...at least for now.

saturday night we went to ben & sheri's dance, and after 2 blisteringly fast dances with jamie cameron (hint: one of them was POTATO CHIPS), i was completely out of breath. i collapsed on the couch, which was a bad idea. 10 minutes later, my sciatica had penetrated every nerve from waist to knees in agony. julius literally had to lift each leg to put them in the car, and pick me up to get me in bed. my middle of the night pee break had me dragging my lower body to the bathroom like a paraplegic, biting my lip to keep from waking j with my screams. i wish i were being my usual melodramatic self here. the next day, i was on crutches.

as usual, it's gotten progressively better since then, and i'm only in occasional pain now. but it's happened almost to this degree the last several times i've tried to dance. so i have to hang up that hat, for at least the next 47 plus days. it sucks as it's the only real exercise i was getting. i really wanted to make it to the only chance i'd have had this week for prenatal yoga yesterday, but my body laughed uproariously when i tried to get dressed. :(

this morning we went to the gym and as usual i sat on the top step of the hot tub (the water doesn't even come halfway up my thighs) to help relieve some hip pain. and as usual several people took it upon themselves to come up to me and tell me how unhealthy i was being. i need a sign that says "I FRAKKING KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M DOING." however, i did get into a truly delightful conversation with an 84 year old woman about babies, birth, and lindy hop. she used to go to the palladium in hollywood and dance with the soldiers on leave during WWII. she was 17 and had to stay upstairs on the balcony, where the liquor wasn't served. she got such a light in her face, talking about it; it was awesome. she said that she used to dance all the time; then she paused, looked down at her body, and laughed as she said "i don't know what happened!" on the down side, the chlorine content of the air seemed higher than usual and eventually the burning in my eyes and nose couldn't be ignored, so i had to get out before i really wanted to.... and then i couldn't get rid of the smell. i got home and was incredibly dizzy and nauseated for a good 30 minutes. fun times!

i've been trying to connect with a local EC (the diaper free people) group to pick their brains. they have mommy/kid meets several times a week, but the first one i tried to attend was a bust. i got lost, was late, and couldn't find anyone. i hope to have a more successful second one. but maybe not till next week. heather flock's in town, and i want to spend as much time with her as i can, because she is full of awesome. we're having a swanky dinner tomorrow night at a 2 star michelin restaurant. woo!

insomnia is finally starting to rear its head, albeit only a little. it's a little harder to get to sleep each time, and harder to sleep as long as i did before. saturday morning i woke up at 4 am for the day. i have to wake each time i roll over in bed (about once every couple of hours since whatever leg's on the bottom falls asleep), because of the pain.... so it's difficult to get comfortable again. bleh.

what else are we doing this week? hm. getting the car seat installed. taking an infant cpr class. last week of lamaze. ooh! and BUYING A CAR! hopefully that will go down this weekend. very excited.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Donderdag, de dag van de vergadering en het wegen. Meestal dus best een sombere dag. Ik ben weer in de behandeling gestapt, krijg een nieuwe rode lijn welke ik weer moet volgen en dus 5 ons per week aan moet komen. Ik zie er wel tegenop, en ben bang dat het niet gaat lukken. Ben nu vanaf maandag ook 2 ons afgevallen en ga geen lijstuitbreiding nemen. Dus, of ik er vertrouwen in heb? Niet echt.. Zo schiet het natuurlijk nooit op. Zo duurt mijn opname alleen maar langer hier, ik weet het wel. Dat wil ik eigenlijk helemaal niet, ik wil ook wel naar huis weer en mijn leven oppakken. Maar ik wil  niet aankomen. En die twee dingen die gaan nu eenmaal niet samen.

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

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Adam said I was good with words...

Today? Blaaah. You know the kind of day. I hate being a female, and I hate head. I did not even know that it was possible to have a headache that makes your teeth hurt. Think it's a sinus problem. On the bright side I went to a dinner party/ barbeque in La Molina and had a pretty good time. Met Damaso again; the Shipibo native who came to visit us in Norway last January. He is in Lima to do take an admission test for San Marcos University.

Cleaned the apartment, nearly finished my Hugo's translation, had a power outage, ate an avocado. That was my day. How was yours?

quick cause it's not mine

Kame was bent over a skeleton when Jin walked into the room, which was creepy but not unexpected because Kame tended to be always bent over some skeleton or other. God knows he didn’t spend his time communicating with actual people. It was a waste, Jin reflected, because Kame, despite his obvious skeleton fetish, was also extremely hot in a starved, uptight kind of way. And Jin always did have a schoolteacher fetish.

He rapped the metal examination table with his knuckles. “Come on, let’s go.”

Kame looked up at Ueda, who was standing on the skeleton’s other side, holding a sketchpad. “Ueda, can you kindly tell Agent Akanishi that I have a fifteen hundred year-old skeleton to authenticate and cannot waste my time gallivanting around with him searching for clues that the FBI’s just going to end up ignoring.”

“Who’s gallivanting? No one’s gallivanting,” Jin said. “There’s a murder. Old dude in a large house. Very freaky stuff. His bones are showing and everything. All of his freshly dead bones, which is more than I can say for your Stone Age guy.”

Kame frowned, holding up a piece of bone that looked just as old and broken as the others. “How do you know?”

“How do I know what?”

“That all his bones are present. Did you do a count?”

“No. I –” Jin pouted when Ueda snickered. “That’s your area. We’re a team. You do your stuff, and I do mine. It’s for the good of mankind,” he added when Kame and Ueda only stared at him.


“Is this part of you doing your stuff?” Kame asked when Jin flattened him against the wall in the stairwell and proceeded to kiss him.

Jin hummed and dropped to his knees, yanking Kame’s belt off. Despite his words, Kame was very interested in the proceedings. Jin skipped the formalities and settled for swallowing Kame whole, placing his hands on Kame’s hips when Kame began to make short, quick thrusts into his mouth, hitting the back of Jin’s throat and more. And Jin rode it out as Kame clutched at his hair almost painfully, both making low guttural groans as Kame’s hips moved faster, filling Jin’s mouth and coating his tongue.

Jin spat discreetly into a napkin and stood up, a little shaky on his feet, looking hopefully at Kame.

“Alright,” Kame said when he stopped panting. “I’ll take a look at your dead guy.”