Saturday, March 7, 2009

quick cause it's not mine

Kame was bent over a skeleton when Jin walked into the room, which was creepy but not unexpected because Kame tended to be always bent over some skeleton or other. God knows he didn’t spend his time communicating with actual people. It was a waste, Jin reflected, because Kame, despite his obvious skeleton fetish, was also extremely hot in a starved, uptight kind of way. And Jin always did have a schoolteacher fetish.

He rapped the metal examination table with his knuckles. “Come on, let’s go.”

Kame looked up at Ueda, who was standing on the skeleton’s other side, holding a sketchpad. “Ueda, can you kindly tell Agent Akanishi that I have a fifteen hundred year-old skeleton to authenticate and cannot waste my time gallivanting around with him searching for clues that the FBI’s just going to end up ignoring.”

“Who’s gallivanting? No one’s gallivanting,” Jin said. “There’s a murder. Old dude in a large house. Very freaky stuff. His bones are showing and everything. All of his freshly dead bones, which is more than I can say for your Stone Age guy.”

Kame frowned, holding up a piece of bone that looked just as old and broken as the others. “How do you know?”

“How do I know what?”

“That all his bones are present. Did you do a count?”

“No. I –” Jin pouted when Ueda snickered. “That’s your area. We’re a team. You do your stuff, and I do mine. It’s for the good of mankind,” he added when Kame and Ueda only stared at him.


“Is this part of you doing your stuff?” Kame asked when Jin flattened him against the wall in the stairwell and proceeded to kiss him.

Jin hummed and dropped to his knees, yanking Kame’s belt off. Despite his words, Kame was very interested in the proceedings. Jin skipped the formalities and settled for swallowing Kame whole, placing his hands on Kame’s hips when Kame began to make short, quick thrusts into his mouth, hitting the back of Jin’s throat and more. And Jin rode it out as Kame clutched at his hair almost painfully, both making low guttural groans as Kame’s hips moved faster, filling Jin’s mouth and coating his tongue.

Jin spat discreetly into a napkin and stood up, a little shaky on his feet, looking hopefully at Kame.

“Alright,” Kame said when he stopped panting. “I’ll take a look at your dead guy.”

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